Wajoo’s updates
This is a brand new website! More updates will appear soon. Speak Dutch? Check out all updates of the last couple of years on our previous website!
You’re here to learn?
As we continue hosting our podcast events we’re also extending our collection of online content to watch! Our first to sessions how to make a succesful daily news podcast with Alexander Lippeveld and let’s talk engaging community building for podcasts with Thomas Smolders are available to rewatch now!
A new sound for Euractiv
After analysing the needs of the Euractiv podcast team, we provided them with a brand new, custom made sound pack for creating more immersive podcast episodes in 2025. The exisiting tunes got a revamp and plenty of beds, fillers, splitters, plings and plongs were created. Anything that matches the vibe of a news podcast.
Wajoo webinars and masterclasses, new in 2025!
We’re very excited to announce our first events of 2025! 1. How to make a successful daily news podcast? 2. Best practices for recording your podcast online 3.Let’s talk engaging community building for podcasts! We host regular sessions with professional makers of all sorts in different topics podcast related!
How will AI change the future of podcasts?
Shows that stand out are different. They find the creative angles, surprising approaches, seemingly conflicting elements that work together to create a tickle in your brain or a weird feeling in your gut. There’s limits on how much AI can be trained. The bottleneck is emotion.
From the Big Apple
Niels, where does your fascination with New York City come from? You seem to be going back as if you’ve got some serious business to run over there or at least got hooked to some local drug that requires you to come back frequently for a revitalising dose. Thereis a strong and vibrant podcast community in NYC. And I think I got a touch of that during my last two visits.
And the winners are…
Last weekend, another exciting edition of the DS Podcast festival took place in Oostende, Belgium. The festival is organized and curated by De Standaard, one of the biggest newspaper in the country that’s been pioneering in podcasts in our country of chocolate and fries.
Wajoo in New York City!
A while ago, I was blessed to visit New York City. It was a trip full of insights, new connections and inspiration for podcasting in the future. I wrote down some findings, generally podcast related haha, in a blogpost on my personal website.
You’ll also find some links to the profiles of makers I had the chance to meet in this post I made on LinkedIn.