And the winners are…

Last weekend, another exciting edition of the DS Podcast festival took place in Oostende, Belgium. The festival is organized and curated by De Standaard, one of the biggest newspaper in the country that’s been pioneering in podcasts in our country of chocolate and fries.

In the line up: Josh Baker: How to Build an Investigation, Jess Shane & Katharina Smets: Ethics in Storytelling, Seun’s Talking Drum British and West African, lot’s Belgian and Dutch guests and live recordings of some Flemish shows. But also Eva Moeraert for example, who unraveled the story of her uncle ending up in Ostende - with one O - the Argentinian coastal city instead of the Belgian one.

Hunderds of fans had the chance to listen to a live version of the first episode of Oostende met één O in an immersive audio experience with headphones with live music and sonorisation. Listen to the whole series on Spotify! (in Flemish and bits of Spanish)

Also at the DS Podcast festival: de Oorkondes. Thé Belgian podcast awards to celebrate the best in podcasts the country has to offer. Me and the whole team that works on this show are proud to share that a jury of over 60 independent experts has chosen DS Vandaag (the Daily news podcast by De Standaard) as the winner in the catergory current affairs. An honour!

Some other well-deserved wins went to (Spotify links) Classical Queers (about inspiring queer people who changed the arts), De 9 levens van Yassine (about Yassine Ouaich his search for dreams, hopes and expectations between different cultures), Plantrekkers (about people who find their own curious paths in life) and 90 minutes, for anyone who is into soccer. All nominees, winners and more about the award show on

It’s safe to say we had a great time. In the category “not sure if I should share this picture”, here are some of the talented collegues I work with at De Standaard podcasts. From left to right: myself, Fien Dillen, Lise Bonduelle, Kaja Verbeke.

As the line-up of next year’s festival is obviously still being tetrissed together, let me know if there is a great or interesting maker we should invite next year! Someone who’s approach to podcasting is refreshing, insightful or just simply fascinating and inspirational.!

Find out more on the festival here, and see you there in 2025!

Niels De Keukelaere

Niels De Keukelaere (LinkedIn) is the founder of Wajoo Podcasts. He started podcasting in 2016 and never stopped. He specializes in podcast optimalisations on the levels of content, sound, branding and marketing, strategy and more and has been working for various companies, media and organisations in Belgium and internationally. Learn more about or get in touch!


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